Ventilation resources for schools
14 October 2022
Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | The Ministry of Education has developed a series of downloadable resources to support schools with good ventilation as follows.
Ventilation in a space
- A4 Poster: How different ventilation methods compare
- A4 Poster: Promoting good air flow in schools
- A4 Poster: Tips for good ventilation in colder weather
- Technical Advice: Ducted mechanical ventilation systems
- Property ventilation checklist
Portable air cleaners
- A4 Poster: Where and when to use air cleaners
- A4 Poster: Help Slow COVID-19 by using air cleaners
- A4 Poster: How to use a Samsung portable air cleaner
- A4 Poster: Where to position your portable air cleaner
- Setup and User Guide: Samsung Portable Air Cleaners
CO2 monitoring
- A4 Poster: Help Slow COVID-19 by monitoring CO2 levels
- Setup and User Guide: Aranet4 Portable CO2 monitors
A link to COVID-19 Ventilation research and studies is also provided.